If you have any problem running the query, please let me know through comments of this post. Copy and paste above statement into the white box and click on the Run Query. Selecting the ‘Custom SQL Report’ will open a ‘Custom SQL Dialog’ box that will ask you to type the query. If you cannot see ‘Custom SQL Report’ option, you may need to expend the Reports section by clicking on the ‘+’ sign. To execute this statement, select ‘Custom SQL Report’ from the ‘Reports’ menu on the Money Manager.

between 1st June and 30th June (both inclusive). The above statement displays amount spent on different categories for the month of June 2008 i.e. Select a.categid, categname, round(sum(transamount),0) amount from checkingaccount_v1 a inner join category_v1 b on a.categid = b.categid group by a.categid having transdate >= ‘’ and transdate < ‘’ The SQL statement to see categori-wise report is written below. To overcome this shortcoming, I wrote a simple SQL statement that allowed me to see the amount I spent on different categories. You can see transactions summed up by sub-categories however. One lacking feature of this software is that it does not provide category-wise report of your transactions. However you can create new category or subcategory easily. Usually these are sufficient for the general use. Each category is further classified into subcategories. Money manager manages your accounts in categories and sub-categories. In this post, I will explain how you can get category wise report of your expenses. In my previous post on Money Manager, I explained its different features. It lets you run custom queries against its Sqlite database. The most appealing feature of this software is custom reports. You can manage your expenses, investments and stocks using Money Manager Ex. It lets you manage your personal faineance. Money Manager Ex is a personal finance management software.