When using multisegments, the chainage range of a surface profile is now the same as the chainage range of the alignment.Apply This Update to a Network Administrative Image.

Apply This Update Through a Local Network.Apply This Update to a Stand-Alone Installation.Information for Windows Vista and Windows 7 Users.For reference, you should save these documents to your hard drive or print a copy. Because AutoCAD Civil 3D is built on AutoCAD® and AutoCAD® Map 3D, it is recommended that you also review the AutoCAD and AutoCAD Map 3D readme files at the following locations. AutoCAD Civil 3D 2011 Update 2 contains the fixes included in AutoCAD 2011 Update 2 and AutoCAD Map 3D 2011 Update 2. It is strongly recommended that you read this entire document before you apply this update to your product. This readme contains the latest information regarding the installation and use of this update. We recommend that you download and install the latest Service Packs from Autodesk which can be found here.Thank you for downloading AutoCAD ® Civil 3D 2011 Update 2 Installing the 32bit Civil 3D Service Packs Now you can happily run your Civil 3D 2011 32bit on Windows 10, Windows 7 and Windows 8 64bit.Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 users: Once the installation process is complete, go back to the Converter, select the 3rd tab, pick the newly installed C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD Civil3d 2011 folder, then click Fix.Once the conversion process is complete, click Install/Run Setup to start setup.Now, start the Longbow Converter tool, select the 1st tab, pick the c:\Autodesk\ Civil3d2011folder, and click the Convert button.Wait until all of the files have extracted, when they do, the Civil 3D 2011 setup will automatically launch – simply close it and move to the next step. Run the exe, it will ask to unzip to a folder inside of c:\Autodesk, make a note of the folder for later use (we’ll refer to it from here as c:\Autodesk\ Civil3d2011), now click OK.

If you have a single self extracting exe downloaded from Autodesk.Next, copy Disk 2 of your Civil 3D CD directly over the top of Disk 1, overwrite all files in your previously copied c:\Autodesk\Civil3d2011 folder.Using Windows Explorer, copy Disk 1 of your Civil 3D 2011 CD to your hard drive, to a folder path c:\Autodesk\Civil3d2011.Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here.