American land of the free and home of the brave
American land of the free and home of the brave

american land of the free and home of the brave american land of the free and home of the brave

It probably did originate there, but the Trump administration declined to take it seriously for nearly three months. The government has persuaded nearly all of us, with its selective employment of scientific data, that we are suffering from an unavoidable viral pandemic that originated in China. This is a painful question to ask and answer in these trying times. Could it be we have repeated it so often that we have lost sight of its meaning? Is the United States today the land of the free and the home of the brave?

american land of the free and home of the brave

The flag wav­ing over Fort McKen­na in the recent pho­to is a repli­ca of the actu­al flag wit­nessed by Frances Scott Key on Sep­tem­ber 14, 1812, inspir­ing “The Star-​Spangled Ban­ner” which offi­cial­ly became the nation­al anthem of the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca in 1931.The phrase “the land of the free and the home of the brave” is as American as any one-liner in our history. In the mean­time, read about the restora­tion and preser­va­tion of the orig­i­nal flag at Smith­son­ian Mag­a­zine. (One sur­pris­ing fact unfold­ed after anoth­er dur­ing research.) You will be noti­fied when Amper­Art #179 Land of the Free & Home of the Brave is updat­ed, most like­ly mid-2022. Of spe­cial note is that Fran­cis Scott Key actu­al­ly penned an amper­sand in the phrase “o’er the land of the free & the home of the brave.” Good going, Frank!ĭevel­op­ment of this post has been sus­pend­ed until time allows for a com­pre­hen­sive com­pi­la­tion of sto­ries and images. The his­to­ry of “The Star-​Spangled Ban­ner” - the nation­al anthem of the USA - is fas­ci­nat­ing. This is a high-​resolution pdf & may take a few minutes to download. #179 Land of the Free & Home of the BraveĬlick image to view full size or download poster for gallery-​quality printing & framing.

American land of the free and home of the brave